Course Conducted


Sl. No.Name of ProgrammesDatesCourse Coordinators
  1. A.Orientation Programmes
1.21st Orientation Programme23rd May to 19th June, 2017Director, UGC-HRDC
2.22nd Orientation Programme25th July to 21st August, 2017Deputy Director, UGC-HRDC
3.23rd Orientation Programme17th Oct. To 13th Nov., 2017Assistant Director, UGC-HRDC
4.24th Orientation Programme21st Feb. to 20th Mar. 2018Deputy Director, UGC-HRDC
  1. B.Refresher Courses
  1. a.Specific Refresher Courses (SRC)
5.Humanities20th Feb. to 12th Mar. 2018

Prof. Lalhmasai Chuaungo,

Dean, SEH

6.Tribal Studies1st to 22nd November, 2017

Dr. Lalngurliana Sailo,

History & Ethnography Deptt.

7.Bio-informatics6th to 26th March, 2018Prof Senthil Kumar, Biotechnology Department
  1. b.Inter Disciplinary Courses (IRC)
8.Indian Medicinal Plants16th Aug. To 5th Sept., 2017

Dr. Awadesh Kumar,

HAMP Department

9.Earth Sciences & Geography27th Sep. to 18th Oct., 2017

Prof. V.P. Sati,

Geography Department

10.Folklorists & Semiotics5th to 25th Sept. 2017Prof. Margaret L. Pachuau, English Department
  1. C.Short Term Courses
11.Research Methodology19th to 24th March, 2018Assistant Director, UGC-HRDC
12.Gender Sensitization10th to 15th July, 2017Deputy Director, UGC-HRDC
13.Principal’s Meet (1 day)18th August, 2017Director, UGC-HRDC
14.Workshop for Academic Administrators (2 days)30th & 31st August, 2017Director, UGC-HRDC
15.Workshop for Scholars on IT (3 days)12th to 14th June, 2017Assistant Director, UGC-HRDC
  1. D.Additional Courses
16.Special Summer School6th to 26th June, 2017Assistant Director, UGC-HRDC
17.Refresher   Course on Teacher’s Educator21st June to 11th July, 2017

Prof. R.P. Vadhera,

Education Department

18.Special Winter School21st Nov. to 11th Dec., 2017Deputy Director, UGC-HRDC